Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry Christmas!
I just want to say Merry Christmas to everyone!! We had a wonderful Christmas with the girls this year...Grandpa decide that they needed a IKEA kids table with chairs to eat and play on. It was a big hit they all loved it. We all got together for dinner on Christmas night for Prime Rib that Scott made and it was absolutely perfect! He can always make us good food! We went out in the mourning to each of the kids homes and saw some of the gifts that they got and played with them for a bit, this was my favorite part this year...they were in there jammies and playing with the things that Santa brought for them. We have had a lot of snow this year...we had to use the 4 wheel drive to get around for a few days...it is good that they are using a lot of salt on the roads for Broken Arrow! They have been busy with the orders. All in all things are going along well, we have been very happy in our new home and church callings are going along just fine! After church on Sunday I am so tired...Scott just laughs at me and shakes his head...I know what you mean! I had no idea. Happy New Year!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 8:48 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
I just want to say that I am very thankful for this past week. It was kinda quiet but the kids did come over twice and the girls had some fun times! I just want my family to know that I love them VERY much and appreciate all that they are doing as fathers and mothers, sons and daughters. Scott and I went out to Jared's and Alisa's and cleaned up a bunch of junk in the basement, you know that construction stuff that is dusty...they have done a beautiful job with this new home...than Scott went out again and I put up Christmas!! It was really fun this year to find a place for all my stuff in our new home...it took me all day! I am so thankful for the things that I have but the most important is Scott and the kids...I love you all and I just want you to know that! Alisa don't forget to let me know when you are ready for the cleaning lady!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 11:55 AM 4 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
It's about time!
I know that I have been bad about this and it has been a month!!! We have been busy with all kinds of STUFF! You know the kind that you are busy but you can't really say with what...ya that stuff. We both have new callings in our new ward...Scott teaches the high Priest lesson on the 4 Sunday and I am the new Primary President!!! Oh ya, I haven't been in primary for over 20 years, I have no clue what it is all about I have never been the president of anything in my life and I know no one to pick for counselors...are you feeling my pain? Well this is when my faith comes in handy and let me just say that I have been busy using it. I just finished a quilt that Betty and I did for the troops, it is red, white and blue and turned out really nice. She has a bunch of extra material so I cut and sowed and she quilted it and we will make some more after Christmas. Well tonight is Halloween so I'll get to see the girls in their cute costumes...Alisa made Kaitlee and Ivy princesses dresses and they are really beautiful. She did a really good job! I'll have pictures soon. Can you believe that it is November already...my life is going by so fast these days!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 9:54 AM 5 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Happy Birthday!
We did it...everyone in September has had their birthday so we celebrated on Sunday! We had dinner and cake and all the girls played dress up, we went for a walk around the block in the wagon and played on the grass in the front yard. It was a really fun evening. On Thursday Kaitlee and I went shopping for some new clothes and out to lunch/dinner...she stayed and played and went over to the neighbors house and joined the birthday party that had a bounce house with all the kids from my neighborhood. Than she stayed over night. We had a really fun time. On Saturday we all got together for "family pictures" at memory grove. it was really good to get this done because I have wanted this for over a year...it got hot and we were in clothes that were for 60 degrees not 80. We went to eat all together and had a fun time also. I has been a busy weekend and fun to see the girls every day. I got some cute pictures so sit and enjoy.
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 8:25 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Happy Anniversary
So this week on Tuesday was Scott and mine anniversary!! We have been married for 31 years...man that is a long time! I just want to say that these past years have gone by so fast and all the things that we have been able to do have really been fun and huge blessings in our lives. I love you Scott for putting up with me all this time and making our life full and providing for the boys and me. You are the best! The house is coming along...I went and picked out trees and shrubs this week and they should come in about 10 days or so. I hope you enjoy the pictures!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 8:14 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I know that I don't have any pictures of the "grass" BUT they are coming...I'm waiting until the curbing is all in! It is really starting to look like a home. I got the dog door in yesterday and now my life just got 100% better. The dogs aren't quite sure about it though because it is different from the old one and kinda hard to push because it is new. I'm not opening the door for them so they will have to get used to it. Scott has been happy and busy with all his free time and I think that we are enjoying all the time together...you may want to ask him though. He is really excited about football this year because he can go to all the games...and watch it on TV also. Jared had his 29th birthday on the 2nd and Jake's is next week!! this is when I feel like my world is going so fast. Life is good and all is well this week...see ya!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 1:27 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Things are green!
So the grass came and I did take some pictures of the yard and they will be posted soon. Everything is looking so good! I haven't taken the dogs across the street for over a week now to "use" the grass......we put up a fence that is not permanent but will keep the dogs in until that day comes to have one around the whole yard. We are all done in our old ward and stake so now we can go to our new ward and start that learning new names thing. should be fun! Now that September is here we will be busy with all the birthdays. Jared, Jacob, Kaitlee and Scott and than our Anniversary, 31 years!!! I cant even tell you where the time has gone. I am feeling old thinking that is wasn't that long ago we were in the middle of our kids and now we are in the middle, okay starting of our grandchildren and what a joy they are to us. I am so glad that I made it through the hard part to have all this fun with the girls in my life...Yes, that means Alisa and Marissa also! life is good!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 2:20 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
This has been another good week...we got all the landscaping done, the rocks placed, it actually looks like a yard now. the grass is coming Monday and they should start laying the sod in the afternoon!!!! Not to keep complaining but we still need the dog door and the FENCE. the list IS getting shorter. I know that I haven't taken any pictures so I'll do that when it is all beautiful. Some of our friends have come by and it is fun to see them. So please if you come this way stop in. Thank you to everyone who has helped with all of this, we really appreciate it.
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 5:19 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
This last week has been a very eventful one...we got our sprinkler system in, the entertainment center was installed on Thursday, the office is all done and put away and I have got most of the box's put away "finely". I have much more floor to vacuum now. It has been really nice to hang the pictures and make it look like we live here. I am excited to get the landscaping done so the dogs can have a place of there own to take care of business and maybe get a fence before to long. Things are looking up and all is well at the Maxfields
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 12:01 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I know that living without certain things that you are use to can be a good or bad thing, but this no yard, 2 dogs, no dog door stuff is down right the pits!!! My life is going across the street to the one house in our cove that has a yard with the dogs at least 2 times a day. The house is empty and up for sale and the owner has told us that we can "use" the grass for the dogs. We are extra good about cleaning up the messes that happen. Take Baxter for instants...he loves the grass and he moves very slowly especially in the summer when it is HOT! so getting him to come home when I want him to is almost impossible without a TREAT involved. One night he had decided that he wasn't coming at all and sat down and looked at me like,"WHAT' I'm not moving for awhile. Jazz is the good one that stays up with me, that is because she is nosey and want to know everything as it happens. The 2 little girls next door like to come out and play with them and that helps me get the dogs home sometimes because they want to be with the girls. Scott says "soon" we'll have a yard, but until then, Marissa sorry! I know that this is a small moment in the big picture but some of us have no patience. Yes, that would be me!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 7:09 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Busy summer
I can't believe that it is July already! My how the time flies when you are going through junk, planning a yard, trying to keep up with all the summer fun. I know that this week is girls camp and Scott is going to go and talk on Friday night. He has been busy with church and a lot of weddings, missionary's coming and going. We are getting settled in our new home and it feels more like ours every day. Some of the things about it are so wonderful like, the door off the garage that we use to come in (love it) the view out the front window is very beautiful of the mountains of Snowbird, my oven that is new and bakes my chocolate cake perfect and the wonderful dishwasher.We have a really cute neighbor that has 3 little girls and they love the dogs so when I am out walking them they love to come along. I really miss the old house and the comfort that I had in our ward but I know that I can see the people that I love, just not on Sunday. that is the hard part for me! We'll I have some more pictures of the cute faces in my life...
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 3:28 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
June Birthdays
June is a busy month just like September is in our family...Marissa starts us out with her birthday first than Sydney, Sonrisa and Alisa is the last on the 26th of the month. We had a family dinner on Sunday to celebrate all of them. We had fun getting together and eating, laughing and my favorite is watching the girls play together. Grandpa got the girls some hot wheels to ride down in our huge basement that isn't finished. I think that they had fun...we also took them out side and my favorite was when Jared got on one and rode it down the driveway...my camera was out of battery's at that moment...it was funny. These are some of the pictures from the month and the parties that happened. Thanks all of you for coming!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 2:21 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
crazy move
I really don't know how to start...Yes, we have moved to South Jordan and Jake and Marissa have bought our home. This was not something that we had planed to do it just happened. I am so thankful to Jake and Marissa for wanting our home, for making it their home...it is so cute the way she has it fixed up. Sydney was a bit confused for a week or so until she come down to grandma's and saw all our stuff...she keep asking Marissa "our new house?" we would say "Yes" and she would look at me and was all mixed up. Well that is done and I have my computer hooked up again. I'll get pictures of the Birthday Girls for the month, we have Marissa, Sydney, Sonrisa and Alisa!!!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 7:51 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
We had such a wonderful Mothers Day!! We were all together, watched the Jazz game and they won!! We had dinner and the men cooked hamburgers, salad, chips and lots of pickle dip...and cookie dough to top it all off. It was perfect weather to be out side and it wasn't to hot or sunny. The girls played on this old slide that I got from a neighbour that she was getting rid of...they loved it and it keep them busy all afternoon. Harley came also and keep Jazz busy and made her tired, witch is nice. Thank you all for your good thoughts and gifts...I love all of you! Mom
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 3:20 PM 3 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Wednesday of this past week the girls and I went on another adventure up to the mountains. While we were getting ready, putting all the stuff on that you need to keep warm (this time we needed it all) we saw some older woman. They were all putting on the stuff that you need to keep warm and we didn't think much of it. We went on our way. We were at Solitude and got to start at the bottom this time...the road that is always groomed to the cross country skiers was the only thing to walk on, I was so excited, big road...walking side by side, talking so that you could hear everyone this was the life. Betty and Patty both have had foot surgery last month so we were taking it easy so they didn't do to much their first time back. All of a sudden these woman all in a row came up behind us...we looked at them...they were all over 60 years old...one of them was 80 and had just had some heart surgery!!! Well we went on our way because they had to go back on check on Nancy who was the 80 year old. On our way back we ran into them again...all was well with Nancy. Well we had the feet girls and they were getting tired so turned back and headed down the mountain. They said, did you make it all the way to Brighton? We said, No we needed to head back because of Betty and Patty's feet were sore and we didn't want them to do too much. They looked at us like we were nuts! They told us that they did this 2 times a week and hiked in the summer, road bikes out by Salt Air...now we all know that if we stick together we will be them one day.Well I asked if I could take their picture and here you have it. After we got down all of us brought food and had a yummy lunch, freezing out on the tables that were at one of the restaurant at Solitude. Than we went to Betty's house and sat in her hot tub to warm up. I am so thankful for these woman who have got me out of my box.
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 2:50 PM 3 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
If It's April, It's Time For Golf
Master's week is over and Trevor Immelman from South Africa won. Having visited and played at Augusta National, the guys that actually play in the Master's, really are masters of the game. The photo is a picture taken in the clubhouse where the trophy is displayed. The guy in the green jacket is a member and was our host. My cousin, Ray Johnson, does business with him and thats how I was able to receive an invitation to visit Augusta. At the judgment bar, if I have merited any kind of reward, I plan on asking the Lord for just a few acres of beautiful rolling countryside near the Augusta River on the Georgia-South Carolina border. I'll promise to take especial care for it! The real reason for the post is to express my appreciation for the arrival of spring. The beauties of nature and the emotional lift we receive by seeing winter and it's cold pass into the warmth and pleasantries of a new spring. (Plus, I can play golf again! That's the real reason I like spring!)
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 7:42 AM 3 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
Simple Pleasures Tag!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 4:56 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Okay!! Hear goes...Well 10 years ago Jared was a senior in High School at Taylorsville and Jake was a sophomore. All I was worried about was how many baseball games we had each week, where they were at and how much food we had at home. Also, I worried about the time when fall would come and Jared would turn 19 years old and leave on a Mission...every time I thought about it I would cry and feel sad for me and proud of him. Jake was just starting his high school career and it all was so fun for him...he got into Drama, and that was really fun for him...Baseball, it was all he new up to that point. I enjoyed all the craziness and we all got along! Life moved very quickly after that...Jared went to the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo East Mission and left in the middle of September. About a year later Scott was made the Bishop and It was just Jake and I after that. Not long after that in November Jake started to date Marissa. I remember one night when Scott came home from church Marissa was at our house and they hadn't been dating that long and Scott said, I really like her the best so far! and I said, that I did too!!! We are so grateful that she came into our life.
5 Jobs that I have had:
The very first job that I had was when I was 16 years old and I worked as a maid at one of the Red Lion places in Missoula Montana...the 2 job was at the Red Lion Banquet rooms at the Edge Water Restaurant and Convention Center in Missoula. I was one of the waitress that worked with large group of people...we did parties for all kinds of things such as Weddings, Business meetings. It was fun and I made alto of money! Next when we moved to Wyoming after I was married the Branch Pres. was a dentist and asked me if I was interested in learning to be a dental assistant? Well you all know the answer to that ? was Yes! I have worked for Dr. William K. Hansen, Dr. Jon Manwaring and Dr. Scott Ferguson.
5 Places I have visited:
Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico with Jared 1 year after he came home
New York City with Jake on the summer trip with drama group
Eastern Caribbean; St. Thomas, St. Maartens, Barbados, St. Lucia
Hawaii, Maui
5 things on my to do list:
finish the basement, redo the up stairs bathroom, stucco the house, get a new car! get a new driveway and stairs for front porch.
5 things you may not know:
when I was a young girl I used to play Mommy all the time and my aunt Norma had size 4 shoes so we would play with her" heal-hiles" is what I would call them. Dress up and Dolls!
When I was in High School I had to move from Spokane Washington to Missoula Montana and I hated it. The only good thing was I got to get my drivers license when I was 15 years old.
I had a 1968 Mustang in high school!
I loved to dance before Scott!
I used to get a really dark tan every summer! loved the water!
5 things that I am so thankful for:
Scott, he is the most kind and caring person in the world. Love you!
That our boys found wonderful women to love them. That they live the principles of the gospel and have testimonies. That they are willing to give us such cute and adorable grand children.
That we have 4 beautiful grand daughters!
That have good friends that make me laugh and watch out for me.
That I have a testimony, that I know my Savior loves me, and that I have been very blessed in my life.
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 10:22 AM 5 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I just want to say Thanks to Marissa for helping me with the up date on my blog...I am so not up on all this cool computer stuff. We just had a fun "Easter Saturday" with the whole family...even the dogs...they had a fun time together also. I was so fun to see the girls together...they make me laugh...and I can because I'm the grandma and not the MOM! I enjoy them all so much. Thanks all of you for giving me so much joy!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 7:29 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
The snowshoeing club
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 11:09 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008




Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 8:38 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Jake and Marissa
I just want to say "Happy Anniversary" to Jake and Marissa!!! Hope you enjoy your day! Love Mom
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Ready for Spring!!!
Finally it is March...can I just say that I have had quite enough of winter, snow, cold. I'm hoping that we will have more sunny days than snow this month. I did go snowshoeing on Thursday and It was really beautiful up at Brighton. I have some pictures and as soon as I know how to put them on our blog I will. We didn't have to wear gloves or hats and the snow was starting to get a bit soft, but still very beautiful.
Scott and Lee put a new roof on the garage this week and it looks very nice...good job Scott!
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 6:10 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Girls and Showshoes
This is a strech for me to have other people read things that I have written. I'm not so good with words. Thank you Scott for all your love all of these years, you are the best part of life. I love you forever.
I have loved all the new woman that have come into my life in the last 6 years...and the small ones are so fun for me. I just love all the girly stuff that comes with them. I have met a new group of women at the water arobics class that I go to, they are very fun active women. We are all about the some age. In January, 5 of us went snowshoeing...well, I didn't want to go so much but Betty (my long time friend) said, YES you are. We went and I had the very best day of the winter so far. That next week we went out and I got my own snowshoes and new boots. We went up to Brighton and shoed down to Solitude on Thursday...another wonderful day in the snow... now if you know me at all, I hate snow, cold, winter, and what ever else comes along with cold weather. This is the new me and we are planning to go once a week until the snow is gone. Thanks to Sharon and Betty for pushing me along! I think that I'll make it.
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 4:08 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day My Pearl
This first post is blatantly personal. Scott has chosen to establish this blog as a Valentines Day gift to Lynn. Those of you who know us may be wondering why the name of "Jerri & Dalmas" for our family blog. When we were married almost 31 years ago in the Idaho Falls temple Lynn was living in Montana and I was from Utah. Both of us happen to go by our middle names. When we recived wedding gifts we knew immediately whether the gift came from someone that knew Lynn because the card would be addressed to "Dalmas and Lynn" but if the gift was from someone who knew Scott it would be addressed to "Scott and Jerri". Hence, our inside joke is that when we received a few gifts addressed to "Jerri and Dalmas" we knew that the givers really didn't know us! We accepted the gifts anyway. Right?
Lynn, I love you and cherish our friendship. You are my best friend. I was so fortunate to find you and, for the brief period of our courting, act in a manner that won your heart. The fact that you said yes, still makes me shake my head in amazement. Was I lucky or what! I guess it can be said "so I got that going for me, which is nice".
As we grow old and our brains fill up with so much stuff that they overflow down into our middle-aged bodies, know this; I still love calling you "babe". I mean it, every time I say it. Oh, and you still are my pearl. Loves, hugs and kisses.
Posted by Scott & Lynn Maxfield at 2:17 PM 4 comments