Monday, July 7, 2008

Busy summer

I can't believe that it is July already! My how the time flies when you are going through junk, planning a yard, trying to keep up with all the summer fun. I know that this week is girls camp and Scott is going to go and talk on Friday night. He has been busy with church and a lot of weddings, missionary's coming and going. We are getting settled in our new home and it feels more like ours every day. Some of the things about it are so wonderful like, the door off the garage that we use to come in (love it) the view out the front window is very beautiful of the mountains of Snowbird, my oven that is new and bakes my chocolate cake perfect and the wonderful dishwasher.We have a really cute neighbor that has 3 little girls and they love the dogs so when I am out walking them they love to come along. I really miss the old house and the comfort that I had in our ward but I know that I can see the people that I love, just not on Sunday. that is the hard part for me! We'll I have some more pictures of the cute faces in my life...


Shelley said...

Hi Lynn,

We miss you guys. I am glad you're settling into your new home. We are very excited to see it. And I must admit we are also pretty happy you are closer. We love you and look forward to seeing you soon.

Shelley, Ben and Grant

Brianne said...

I'm glad you guys are settling in. It's always hard to move into a new ward...I'm sure especially for you guys who knew everyone! We need to come visit soon. I'll call ya when we come into South Jordan!!

Normal Mom said...

I can't wait to visit again and see your new home.
But when you travel East, we'll have a place for you to stay! Today is the big day that all the Larson kids close on the house that is going to be an inn.
I'd try and offer Jake a job, but...(just kidding!)We would like Mom and Dad to work there part time though. Take Care. I miss you guys!
Love, JOY

P.S. Check it out the blog about the inn!

Leesee Girlyfield said...

Well, don't get too comfy in that new house of yours because we want you to move out here. Thanks for taking us out on Saturday. My girls couldn't stop talking about that awesome park. They had so much fun!!!

Marissa said...

As crazy as it is for you to move, I know it will all work out! I feel just as weird about moving into a "new" ward, just because Jake knows everybody, doesn't mean I do! Plus, I know it is hard to leave friends-I already miss all my girls!